Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Proposals & Weddings

He's popped the question and now you're planning the wedding that you have dreamed about since you were 10! Today everyone wants the biggest ring, biggest proposal with millions of views, and the biggest wedding that people talk about for ever. But are these things overshadowing what really matters. A ring is a symbol of you love and commitment to each other not just a piece of jewelry you show off to your friends and family. The proposal may be great to have on video but does it take away the privacy, and intimacy of the moment. If the proposal is so public does it pressure her into saying yes or does she sincerely mean it and does he sincerely mean it or does he want to show off how clever and romantic he is. I adore the way my husband proposed to me. It was just me, him and a beautiful view when he got down on one knee and surprised me with the ring. It was a special and genuine moment we shared together. Three was no outsiders influencing him to ask the question or how I should answer. Our wedding was also very cheap, simple, and beautiful. Family and friends helped with food, photos, decoration, the cakes. No matter how nice the reception was nothing could compare to where we got married and were sealed for all eternity, which was also free ;). The most important thing should be the union between a man and women becoming husband and wife because in 1, 5, 10 years people aren't going to remember every detail of the wedding, but they will remember your marriage. They won't remember your colors, but they will remember how beautiful a couple you two make. Weddings are fun events, but the funest part is being married to the person you love.

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