Tuesday, October 25, 2016


What is the purpose of dating? The purpose to date is to develop sorting, selecting, and social skills. Today we see less dating and more hanging out, is there a difference between dating and hanging out? I think so. Hanging out is more casual, no one is paired off, there is no set thing to do, and there is no commitment necessary. A date is intentional, planned out, thoughtful, and you are paired off, and paid for. We may be developing the same skills by hanging out, like social skills, but how can we learn our preference of the type we would like to date if we never go on dates with a variety of different people. High school is the, and best time to date around with many people and get a feel of what you like, dislike, turns you on, turns you off, and the qualities you would like in your future spouse. High school is not the time to date exclusively because you are not looking for someone to marry but looking for characteristics you want the person you will marry to have and not have. Dating prepares men for when they become husbands and wives can see if the guy they are dating has the skills to be good husband and father. How??? Well 3 things men are excepted to do in the home are Preside, Protect, and Provide. And when a guy goes on a date he Planned, Paired off, and he Paid for it, he is showing he can preside, protect, and provide. Planning is like presiding because he is showing he is organized and has leadership skills. Pairing off shows he can protect because we are his date for the night and he is responsible to take care of us and bring us home safely. Paying for the date whether with money, or time shows he can provide because he is using his resources to accommodate for the date. Dating is purposeful and beneficial for both people on the date.

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