Sunday, October 16, 2016


The greatest blessing we were given was agency. We chose what to do, what to wear, who to marry. We each have our own personality and temperament but we are not born LGBT2. It is the environment we are in that affects who we are attracted to. Growing up it is important to be accepted by our peers. Usually in elementary school girls hang out with girls and boys hang out with boys. Well what if a boy was born and has a more nurturing, caring, and calmer disposition and so the rest of the boys reject him because he isn't crazy and dirty. The boy then hangs out with the girls who play to his style. This does not make him a girl. Boys can still be boys if they act a little feminine. And girls are still girls even if they act like tomboys. In adolescent year girls becomes attracted to boys because they are exotic and different. This is when the boy who hangs out with the girls begins to feel confused. The ones who rejected him are have an exotic feel and he becomes interested in them. This does not mean he is physically attracted to them in any way. When children then start to label the boy as gay, even if he isn't, girls won't date him because they heard he was gay and the guys will especially not hang out with him. So who accepts this boy? The gays accept him and hang out with him and make him feel like he belongs. He may learn to be happy being gay, but he will never be as happy as he could be if the boys accepted him and people didn't label him just by what he likes. How many women want a husband who is caring, sympathetic, communicates well, is in touch with his emotions, and is nurturing. Yet he is automatically label him as gay because these are feminine attributes. We are losing applicants of who could be amazing husbands and fathers. Labels are very effective and can influence a person how they look at themselves. If you are labeled as the ugly fat girl, even if you aren't, sooner or latter you will become, or see yourself as ugly and fat because it seems no matter what that is what you are now. Same can go the opposite way. If you are known as the beautiful girl you believe that is what you are and you always have to look perfect with your hair and make up, because if you aren't beautiful than who are you? We shape into our labels. We should not call people the gay one, smart one, or ugly one because that is what they will be known for and who they will become, not because they were born that way but because we labeled them that way. We should accept everyone for who they are and look/admire all the great qualities they have and guide them to become who they really are, not what we think they are.

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