Saturday, October 1, 2016

My Family System from My Perspective

Have you ever noticed in your family how there are unspoken rules? Like when you know where your mom and dad hide the Christmas presents every year but you don't go looking at them because you learned that's just not what you are suppose to do. Each family has unspoken rules and each family has a system and each family member contributes differently to this system. There are also subsystems within your family system. I will compare my family system to a cheese burger. Subsystem 1: The top bun was Dad as he presided in our home and provided shelter for us! Mom was the bottom bun, she held the family together and provided support to all of us Subsystem 2: Stephen, Philip, and Jimmy are the meat patties. They are the 3 oldest and were always grouped together. They were a major help to mom and dad in taking care of the rest of us growing up. Subsystem 3: Dan, Tim, And Peter are the middle children and what comes in the middle of the sandwich??? Veggies! They are the tomato, onion, and pickles because they each add different perspective like the veggies add a different texture and flavor. They are also very good at fixing things whether its stuff around the house or technology, just like veggies are the fixings in a sandwich. Subsystem 4: Julie is the cheese because when she came along she was the only girl surrounded by boys and added a totally different vibe to the family system. She is the cheese to what use to be just a burger. She takes care of everyone and keeps everybody connected. Subsystem 5: Paul, John and Michael, are the sauces of the sandwich; mayo, ketchup, and mustard. They are funny, messy and full of their own flavor. Subsystem 6: Then there is me! I think I am the bacon. I come in last and added the best flavor to the sandwich and made everyone happy.

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