Tuesday, October 11, 2016

The TRUTH to Happiness in Marriages

"I have become convinced that the strength and the happiness of good marriages are both rooted in the partners' mutual commitment to the creation of a shared life. The best marriages are characterized by partnership. The spouses work together to create the kind of life that they see as worthwhile. In such a marriage, the happiness and love that we see are at least as much an outgrowth of the spouses' partnership as the origin of it. In our society, we do not usually think of happiness as something that follows from commitment and teamwork. We want to pursue it directly. But happiness is an emotion, and all emotions, by their nature, are fleeting. Letting our hopes rest primarily on feelings that come and go is a recipe for an unstable marriage." -- Blaine J. Fower Beyond the Myth of Marital Happiness This quote says so much! Both partners need to be committed to the relationship. You have to work together to create the married life you want. In your marriage you will experience many emotions and they all won't be happy, that does not mean you do not have a good marriage or that you can't get back to being happy. In fact you will be even more happy in love knowing that even through the hardship and tribulation you two are committed and can make through any circumstance or trial thrown at you!

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