Friday, November 11, 2016

Lets talk about sex

I know this is a topic most people find awkward, or gross, or dirty but it shouldn't be. Yes sex is intimate and sacred, that does not mean it should be a secret or a bad thing. It is a beautiful and holy act that many people may not know much about. I will begin with saying men and women are different, although they both must go through the 4 phases of sex to be fulfilled. Those phases are excitement, plateau, orgasm(climax) and resolution. Men go through these phases faster than women, that does not mean it is more pleasing to men than women. Women enjoy sex just as much as men, sometimes more, crazy right?!?! Women need to warm up and kind of get into their sexy character, you must remember women take on many roles during a day, the mother, the good house wife, the soccer mom, and the sexy bride. Men listen to your wife as she talks about the day, this is how she rids of all the stress and worries from all the roles she had played throughout the day. She cannot jump right into it like you men, our brains are thinking about so many things at once, whereas men are much better at focusing at one thing at a time. Also men take note first, in order for women to enjoy sex she must feel safe and loved. Let me tell you about the love cycle. I will begin with women. Women need to feel loved before they can enjoy sex. How does she feel loved, well each women is different and has a different love language. I recommend taking the 5 love language quiz in order to figure out your and your partner's love language. An examples is quality time. Listen to her and spend time with her in order to bond and know each other. Another example is service. Doing the dishes or folding the laundry can really go along way. Once a women's love tank is full she will be willing to express her love for you by having sex. When men have sex they feel loved and then will want to return showing love by doing things for her. It is a beautiful cycle of showing and feeling love. See, this sex talk wasn't so bad. I think people stress too much on the actual act when really we should be focusing on what leads to the act and how it can be more fulfilling. Sex was not only meant for making babies, but also to express love for each other. Sex is a great tool to unite a husband and wife and help them become as ONE!

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