Saturday, December 10, 2016


Many parents may see divorce as an easy out, but divorce is a big deal for children. To children it is a violent ripping a part of a family, and the lack of stability is frightening. If a child’s parents’ marriage could not last, how will their future marriage ever last? Children whose parents divorce often lose all faith in a having a marriage that is full of love and that can last a lifetime. When looking for a future spouse these children do not feel comfortable asking parents for advice since their marriage obviously did not last. Or when a problem arises within their marriage these children of divorced parents tend to follow the example of their parents and also get a divorce. These are the reasons why children whose parents divorced are more likely to go through a divorce themselves than children whose parents have been together their whole life. Parents who are aware of the negative impact divorce has on children can be more determined to work on their marriage and solve their problems for their children’s sake. Nelson Mandela said, “Children are our greatest treasure. They are the future.” (Mandela). Children will grow up to be future leaders and will contribute to society. In order for society to improve and for the country to stay strong and powerful all depend on what the future generation does when it is in charge. The best way to raise a child who will grow up to make a great impact on society is for that child to be raised by a father and a mother in love and uprightness. The high divorce rate will leave children with emotional problems, and they will in turn affect society because these children will be the ones left to run the country. Does society want to leave the country in the hands of these injured beings? Society needs leaders and citizens who have courage, intelligence, honesty and many other honorable character traits. Divorce effects children who then affect society.

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