Friday, September 23, 2016

Key points on MARRIAGE!

Here are some key points I learned this week about marriage: 1) Marriage joins you both in the sight of God 2) Love comes from you, marriage comes from God 3) Male and females are a perfect fit to complete each other, what one lacks the other makes up for 4) Husband and wife strengthen each other 5) The Proclamation is inspired doctrine

This week on Family Relations

This week I learned that the birth rate in America and many other countries are declining. This may not seem that surprising but the effects it will have on society is very interesting. The decrease in birth is decreasing the world population. Some might say this is what we were striving for, that there are too many people on this planet. However it has been proven that every one on earth today could all fit into the state of Texas with an acre of land to live on. There is enough land on this earth to go around for everyone. Despite this revelation that we should not worry about over population we should also notice the importance of having children not only because they bless your life as parents, but they also bless society. Children carry on the values and beliefs of their parents and can continue making the culture they grew up in alive and improve it. God wants us to have children, He will provide for us! I have always known I wanted kids but knowing I am bringing forth God's children into this world it feels like a greater purpose. I feel important and see what a sacred duty it is to have children and raise them in righteousness. I want to provide a loving home for as many of God's children as I can. The Lord will bless you and your family as you have children and teach them the gospel. I am providing a link of inspirational quotes from Prophets on the matter of having children. I know in our struggles of having a family we will be blessed because the family is ordained of God. He loves us and wants the best for all of His children. Here is a pic of most of my family. A lot of my siblings with their spouse and families... but still not all of them. I love my big family and I know my parents are so proud of all of us and who we have become! I am the youngest of 12 and I have about 30 nephews and nieces with more to come!

Friday, September 16, 2016

I am so grateful for the family I was born in to. I have learned so much from my parents and siblings and it is because of them I am the way I am. I hope to raise my children with the same values and love I was raised with. Family is so important to me and to society. I hope my blog will benefit others in their efforts of learning and creating a successful family that will bring them eternal happiness!

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

The first of many

I suppose an introduction is in order. I am Christine Schmidt. I have been married for a year now. My husband's name is Cody and I am sure I will talk a lot about him and our experiences. I'll just post some pictures of us here since we are so dang cute! haha enjoy :)